Fine Arts

Two young boys are sitting in front of a christmas tree.
A display of children 's artwork including ghosts and bears

“To encourage literature and the arts is a duty which every good citizen owes to his country.” -George Washington

Our Art program is focused on the seven elements of Art: Line, Shape, Texture, Form, Color, Value, and Space. There is an emphasis on relating these elements to art history in as diverse a manner as possible. The above elements are typically taught in hands-on project form as well as contemporary approaches such as electronic illustration and web-based applications. Each year, our Art program also celebrates our sacred beliefs with various opportunities to illustrate our annual Christmas cards and Leadership t-shirt design for our 8th grade class. There is also an annual Art Fair to showcase and share artworks across the grade levels.

Our Music program emphasises the fundamentals of Music: Sound, Melody, Harmony, Rhythm, Texture, Structure/Form and Expression. General music consists primarily of vocal and instrumental studies with some historical context. 

Yearly, our preschool-second grade perform in a Christmas Concert, while grades 3-5 perform a Sacred Music Concert in our Church. Grades 6-8 have an opportunity to perform in our school variety show each spring.

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