Extended Care

Two little girls are hugging each other in front of a brick building.

Extended Care

St. Pius X Parish School is pleased to be able to offer an Extended Care Program to our school families. We have before and after care, which is available to any St. Pius student enrolled in preschool through eighth grade in our full day program. Students in our half day program may utilize the before care program.


  • Begins at 7:00 a.m. and lasts until 8:00 a.m. when students may go to their homerooms
  • Preschool children are retained in the library until 8:25 a.m. and are then walked to their homerooms by a staff member
  • Children and their parents can ring the bell by the doors near the office for admittance to the program
  • Once inside, they may proceed to the Library Resource Center to be signed in by their parents
  • Daily cost is $6.00 per day, per child for the Before Care session


  • Begins at 3:10 p.m. in the Library Resource Center and ends promptly at 6:00 p.m.
  • All students, regardless if they have after school activities such as band, sports or scouts, should check in with their extended care classroom first
  • Parents should ring the bell outside when coming after school to pick up their children - you will be admitted to the building by a staff member
  • Students are not permitted to leave the program without being picked up by an adult
  • Daily cost per child is $14.00

All students will need to be picked up from After Care promptly at 6:00 p.m. There is a $1.00 per child, per minute charge for late pick-ups.

Payment for extended care is due in full along with the weekly attendance sheet to the school office. A financial statement is mailed home monthly from the school office and is also available upon request. If a child unexpectedly needs to attend before/after care they are always welcome.

The daily schedule consists of: taking daily attendance, 40 minutes of play time (outside, weather permitting), snack time, 30 minutes of quiet study time and then free time. Each day during free time there is a different activity which includes crafts, gym, games, movies and/or computer time.

The phone number in case of emergencies or a change in plans after 4:00 p.m., is (630) 627-4170. Please leave a message if no one answers the phone.

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